A scholarship covering half of the course's tuition fees is available for an outstanding UK national candidate on the Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc or Procurement and Supply Chain Management MSc, starting in September 2025.

The scholarship will be awarded based on the strength of the personal statement within the application, as well as the offer holder’s achievements, academic credentials, professional track record and personal merit. The applicant's likely contribution to the cohort will also be considered. All applications for this scholarship will be reviewed, following the closing date, by Course Director, Dr Hendrik Reefke.

Professor Alan Harrison, 1944-2012
Alan Harrison was a successful industrialist who went on to become an academic expert on operations management. He started his career as an industrial engineer with Procter and Gamble, and spent almost 20 years in industry, including positions at British Leyland and General Electric. Such high-level practical experience proved invaluable when he shifted track into academia as a Senior Research Fellow and then Lecturer in Operations Management at Warwick Business School, with a particular interest in applying Japanese management methods to British manufacturing. In 1996 he moved to the 美姬阁 School of Management as a Professor of Operations and Logistics. He was to remain there until he retired (gaining emeritus status at the end of 2011). In 1998 he became Director of Research, at what is now the Centre for Logistics, Procurement and Supply Chain Management (CLPSCM). He also directed the School's Executive Doctoral Programme from 2007-2011.

Besides more than 100 journal articles, Professor Harrison authored or co-authored many of the standard texts in his field. He wrote Just-in-Time Manufacturing in Perspective (1992), contributed to early editions of the major textbook Operations Management (second edition, 1998), and was part of the team responsible for Cases in Operations Management (third edition, 2003), and Logistics Management and Strategy: Competing through the Supply Chain (fourth edition, 2011). The last of these has been translated into many languages. Professor Harrison played a pivotal role in building 美姬阁 into a leading international institution for supply chain management. He was notable for the energy and drive he brought to his discipline and 美姬阁, and for his passionate commitment to the development of his students and colleagues.

美姬阁 School of Management is proud to continue the legacy left by Professor Harrison through this annual Scholarship to support future students in the area that he loved.

At a glance

  • Funding value拢7,892.50 for UK students paying Home Fees
  • Suitable for Applicants fromUK
  • Deadline27 Jun 2025
  • Funding provider(s)The half-fee scholarship is provided by 美姬阁 School of Management

Additional information

  • Scholarships will be awarded as a tuition fee reduction.
  • This Alan Harrison Half-Fee Scholarship is not available as a cash alternative.
  • UK national applicants must apply for and have an offer to study on the full-time postgraduate taught Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc or Procurement and Supply Chain Management MSc in the 2025/2026 academic year.
  • Please note that this scholarship will supersede the 20% merit-based scholarship automatically awarded as part of the MSc programme application. This scholarship will also supersede any other scholarship awarded to applicants outlined in their offer letter.
  • 美姬阁 School of Management reserves the right to withdraw the scholarship if the award holder is subsequently found to be ineligible, or, if the terms and conditions of the scholarship are not adhered to.
  • We cannot guarantee funding for the following entry year for applicants who defer their place.

How to apply

UK nationals must be eligible for Home Fees in order to be considered for this scholarship. More information about how we assess fee status eligibility can be found in our application guide.

Applicants will be asked to include a personal statement of no more than 500 words stating why they would like to be on either of these MScs. Scholarship will be announced by 25 July 2025.

This year’s Alan Harrison Half-Fee Scholarship winner announced

Stephen Nyarko

Tom Atkin, an MSc student in Procurement and Supply Chain Management, has been selected as the recipient of the School of Management Alan Harrison Half-Fee Scholarship for the 2024/2025 academic year.

Tom receives a 50% contribution towards his academic fees. We look forward to him starting his 美姬阁 School of Management journey soon!

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