he Aerosystems course aims to educate on the procurement, testing, and evaluation of systems fitted to air platforms. Ultimately it results in increasing the mission capability of air power. To achieve this, the course offers a range of technical modules and topics that are integrated together to enhance the analysis and evaluation of performance of an air system across all operational domains (land, sea and air).

The course has many parallels with the Military Electronics Systems Engineering (MESE) MSc course at Shrivenham and shares modules. The technical topics include the following: Sensors: (radar, Electro-Optics and Infra-Red), Communications (information networks), signal processing, Platforms: Uninhabited Aircraft Systems / Remotely Operated Aircraft Systems (UAS/RPAS), guided weapon systems, electronic warfare, foundations of modelling and simulation, the application of simulation to areas such as military training, operational analysis, rapid prototyping, doctrine development and mission planning

The number of students attending is consistent ranging between ten to fifteen every year from UK Airforce, UK Navy and Australian Airforce.


  • Start dateAugust
  • DurationThree years part-time; UK MOD students are normally expected to complete the taught phase within the first 11-months of their registration, whereas self-funded students will be expected to complete the taught phase in the first 2-year period and their individual project, or thesis, during year 3.
  • DeliveryPart-time students register for the course in August and are expected to complete the course within three years. Part-time students have 1 year to complete their project. The taught phase for each 10-credit module is usually completed within one week. There is structured teaching to allow time for more independent learning and reflection.
  • QualificationMSc
  • ÃÀ¼§¸ó typePart-time
  • CampusÃÀ¼§¸ó at Shrivenham

Who is it for?

The course is taught through lectures, supported with tutorials, formative assessments and laboratory demonstrations. The students are expected to develop their practice in expressing complex, scientific and technical concepts clearly within the Aerosystems framework in a high-pressure situation. This is a skill which is highly desirable to many of the job roles students will go onto after completing the course.

In addition to the taught phase modules, the MSc students are required to undertake research project with a Thesis document as the output.  During the 1-1 supervisory interactions between the student and the supervisor(s) regular formative feedback will be provided.

The students will be assigned a personal academic year tutor when they commence their studies. The tutor’s responsibilities are to support the students learning during their time at ÃÀ¼§¸ó, and check they are on track with their studies. In cases where students are facing difficulties, the course director and SAS Lead will be informed, so that they can support and provide additional guidance.

Course details

On completion of the 12 taught modules students engage with the academic team and project module lead to discuss the research project. The ILOs relating to the research project are 8-10 and successful completion of this will result in being awarded 80-credits. The research project is normally assessed by the supervisor and an independent assessor. It is expected that the students will be more self-directed and pro-active with consultation with their supervisor during this process.  

The course consists of the taught phase (120-credits) and the project phase (80-credits). Each taught phase module is delivered normally within 1-week, (with the exemption of EMPD which is delivered in two weeks), and then the students are expected to submit within a specified deadline their assignments/coursework. These are normally assessed within 20-working days and summative feedback is provided to the students. During the taught phase normally the academic team provides formative tasks and they provide formative assessment feedback. 

An MSc will be awarded on successful completion of 200 credits as detailed in the structure.

Course delivery

Part-time students register for the course in August and are expected to complete the course within three years. Part-time students have 1 year to complete their project. The taught phase for each 10-credit module is usually completed within one week. There is structured teaching to allow time for more independent learning and reflection.


Keeping our courses up-to-date and current requires constant innovation and change. The modules we offer reflect the needs of business and industry and the research interests of our staff and, as a result, may change or be withdrawn due to research developments, legislation changes or for a variety of other reasons. Changes may also be designed to improve the student learning experience or to respond to feedback from students, external examiners, accreditation bodies and industrial advisory panels.

To give you a taster, we have listed the compulsory and elective (where applicable) modules which are currently affiliated with this course. All modules are indicative only, and may be subject to change for your year of entry.

Course modules

Compulsory modules
All the modules in the following list need to be taken as part of this course.

Communication Principles

Module Leader
  • Dr Steve Barker
    To provide an understanding of the concepts and techniques employed in modern communication systems.
    • Introduction: Transmitter and receiver communications system model,
    • Voice source coding: Pulse code modulation, delta modulation, vocoders, demonstrations,
    • Analogue modulation: Amplitude modulation, DSB/SSB. Frequency modulation, demonstrations,
    • Digital modulation: ASK, FSK, PSK, DPSK, QPSK, Offset QPSK, MSK, QAM, demonstrations,
    • Communications channel: Multipath effects, fading and diversity, Egli and Murphy,
    • Receivers: superheterodyne systems, balanced and unbalanced mixers, frequency synthesisers,
    • Link budget analysis.
Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you will be able to:

  • Identify the main functions of each of the component blocks in a communications system model, deriving suitable values for each of the system parameters,
  • Describe the principles, implementation and theoretical background of the principal modulation schemes employed in communication systems,
  • Evaluate the effects of a communications channel on a transmitted signal in terms of attenuation, time, frequency and phase dispersion,
  • Analyse the performance of a communication system based on a link budget, using a standard propagation model,
  • Propose a suitable communications architecture to meet a required specification given a particular application.

Electro-Optics and Infrared Systems 1


    To introduce the you to the field of EO/IR technology and give an understanding the underlying principles. To give an appreciation of the likely future advances in the technology and the importance of EO/IR technology in the wider defence system.

    Simple radiometry and power calculations, signature generation (solid and gaseous), contrast, atmospheric effects, optical systems, detector type (thermal, photon, one and two dimensional arrays, fibre sensors), cooling requirements, detector performance characteristics, simple electronic processing, display options, EO/IR seeker systems, countermeasures (including stealth) and counter-countermeasures, digital image processing.


Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you will be able to:

  • Describe EO/IR systems and the underlying principles and technology,
  • Analyse the significance of the EO/IR system in the defence context,
  • Assess the performance of EO/IR systems.

Electro-Optics and Infrared Systems 2


    Increase the depth of knowledge in the field of EO/IR technology and give an understanding of the underlying principles. Give an appreciation of the likely future advances in the technology and the importance of this technology in the wider defence system.

    Advanced radiometry and power calculations, modulation transfer function, minimum resolvable temperature difference, advanced digital image processing, laser systems (principles and applications), laser directed energy weapons, laser countermeasures and electro-optic protection measures.
Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you will be able to:

  • Describe EO/IR systems and the underlying principles and technology,
  • Analyse the significance of the EO/IR system in the defence context,
  • Assess the performance of EO/IR systems.

Electromagnetic Propagation and Devices


    To provide you with an understanding of electromagnetic propagation, antennas and devices relevant to military sensor, communications and electronic warfare systems.

    • Course introduction: course structure, aims and objectives,
    • Information resources: computer centre, library, information retrieval,
    • Propagation: radio propagation, reflection, refraction, multipath, fading, attenuation, ionosphere propagation, troposcatter, anomalous propagation,
    • Antennas: fundamental antenna concepts and definitions; impedance match, radiation patterns, directivity, gain, polarization, axial ratio, EIRP, effective aperture, noise temperature, etc.
    • Overview of antenna types for communications and radar applications including wire antennas, aperture antennas, reflector antennas, low profile and microstrip antennas,
    • Antenna arrays: introduction to phased array theory, types of antenna array, feed network design, beam steering and radiation pattern shaping,
    • Electromagnetic devices: high power tubes including magnetron, coaxial magnetron, Klystron, Extended Interaction Klystron and Travelling Wave Tube Amplifier,
    • Guided waves: waveguides, coaxial lines, microstrip and other RF planar transmission line structures,
    • RF and microwave power dividers, combiners and couplers active solid-state devices: RF diodes and transistors and their application in amplifiers and oscillators, ferrite non-reciprocal devices (circulators and isolators),
    • PIN diode switches, modulators and phase shifters.
Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you will be able to:

  • Describe the principles of operation and characteristics of antenna sensors and electromagnetic system components and recognise how they may be used in a modern military communication or EW system,
  • Identify and explain the various models of propagation of electromagnetic waves in free space and transmission lines,
  • Analyse and evaluate the performance of electronic warfare system components,
  • Assess the propagation of electromagnetic signals in physical environments,
  • Design antenna elements and develop phased arrays performance models.

Foundations of Modelling and Simulation

Module Leader
  • John Hoggard

    To make you aware of the roles, concepts and applications of modelling and simulation in defence, and to understand how to construct simple models.

    • The general principles of modelling and simulation,
    • The role of modelling and simulation in supporting Defence decision making, training and analysis,
    • The typical components of M&S systems,
    • The technologies of live, constructive and virtual simulation and their Defence applications,
    • An introduction to defence synthetic environments,
    • Organisations involved in Defence M&S, both in the UK and elsewhere,
    • Practicals hands-on with different Defence M&S systems.
Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you will be able to:

  • Explain and apply the general principles of Modelling and Simulation (M&S) and the main components of M&S systems,
  • Explain the main organisations involved in M&S for Defence,
  • Explain the importance of M&S in supporting Defence decision-making, training and analysis,
  • Explain the technologies of live, constructive and virtual simulation and their Defence applications,
  • Explain and appreciate the context for the subjects and modules that will be addressed in the remainder of the award, with reference to their significance for application in Defence M&S.

Guided Weapons

Module Leader
  • Dr Derek Bray

    The aim of this module is to: provide a general overview of guided weapon systems and technology; introduce students to the theoretical design of guided weapon subsystems; demonstrate how these subsystems form the overall guided weapon system.

    Indicative module content:

    missile and the system; constituent parts of the missile and how they integrate into the complete system; the threat and how it can be countered,
    airframe materials and structures; factors affecting aerodynamic lift and drag,
    polar, Cartesian and roll control; aerodynamic and thrust vector control; actuation systems; instrumentation; accelerometers; rate and position gyroscopes; acceleration and velocity control; roll rate and position, latex and altitude autopilots,
    principles of millimetric wave (mmW) seekers,
    principles of infra-red seeker technology,
    the need for guidance; types of trajectory; system characteristics and classification; command, homing and navigational guidance coverage diagrams,
    reaction to thrust, propellants, jet propulsion, rocket and air-breathing engines,
    principles of homing and surveillance radar,
    overview of warheads for guided weapons for attack of armour, airborne targets and ground installations; safety and arming; types of fuze, matching and countermeasures.
Intended learning outcomes On successful completion of the module the student will be able to:

describe the elements that make up a guided weapon system,
discuss the principles involved and the design constraints on guided weapon airframe, propulsion, warhead, control and guidance systems and how these subsystems interact with one another,
explain the principles of radar, IR and mmW technology and how these technologies are used in guided weapon systems,
develop a preliminary guided weapon design.

Information Networks


    To provide you with an understanding of networks in a modern military electronic sensor or communications system, their vulnerabilities and how they can be protected.

    • Communicating data and the function of networks,
    • Military network requirements,
    • Building a local area network (LAN): media, devices and protocols,
    • Internet history, addressing and services, including the role of Internet authorities and registries,
    • Internet architecture and protocols,
    • IP addresses and domains,
    • Reliable communication,
    • Layered models: The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) and Internet models,
    • Wide area networks (WANs) and routing,
    • Network security,
    • Network analysis and monitoring,
    • Wireless networks,
    • Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs),
    • The World Wide Web(WWW),
    • Network modelling, simulation and emulation.
Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you will be able to:

  • Recognise how a network may be exploited in a military context to support information age operations and to identify the benefits of such support,
  • Identify the various components of a network and its architecture, defining the protocols and address structure, such that network infrastructure solutions can be critically assessed,
  • Describe and explain the operation of a wireless LAN,
  • Propose a secure wireless network structure, evaluating the level of security that such a network can provide against likely threats,
  • Critically analyse trends and technological developments in networking, identify the threats to a network and then evaluate the responses and defence measures to counter these threats.

Pre Sessional Postgraduate Studies


    This course is specifically designed for those coming to study a technical MSc, particularly after a break from academic studies. Its aims are to:

    • revise students' undergraduate mathematical skills so they can solve problems in algebra and calculus,
    • introduce the software package MATLAB so students can manipulate data and produce appropriate graphs,
    • refresh students' knowledge in selected engineering topics. 
    • Algebra Refresher – factorisation, transposition of formula, linear equations, quadratic equations, partial fractions, logarithms,
    • Calculus Refresher – differentiation, rules of differentiation, maximum and minimum, integration, definite integration, rules of integration,
    • Engineering Refresher – fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, propulsion, principles of flight,
    • MATLAB – Introduction, data analysis, symbolic computing, programming graphics, Simulink.

    The course also includes social activities.

Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you will be able to:

  • Algebraically manipulate mathematical formulae,
  • Differentiate and integrate mathematical functions,
  • Perform simple data analysis and produce associated graphs using MATLAB.

Radar Electronic Warfare

Module Leader
  • Ioannis Vagias

    To provide you with an understanding of the principles, design and analysis of the electronic threats to radar systems and how radar systems may be protected.

    • Radar ES: Operational use; Calculation of ES sensitivity; The radar/ES detection battle; The requirements for a quiet radar; The ES process; Observable parameters; Antenna configurations for AOA measurement; Probability of intercept; Intercept analysis; Signal Sorting,
    • Radar EA: Jamming techniques and strategies; SJNR calculations; range-gate and velocity-gate pull-off; angle deception against monopulse trackers; deception and decoy techniques; DRFM,
    • Radar ED: Frequency and PRF agility; polarisation diversity; power management; sidelobe suppression; dual-band technique,
    • Low probability of intercept radar waveforms: Power management, wideband FM, PSK: pseudo-random phase coding (maximal length sequences), poly-phase. Coding (Frank, P1, 2, 3, 4 codes), FSK: frequency hopping (Costas sequences), hybrid approaches,
    • Jamming of SAR systems: Principles of SAR Jamming,
    • Anti-Radiation Missile Seekers: ARM operational modes and impact on seeker, monopulse seeker design, detection ranges, example designs. 
Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you will be able to:

  • Use concepts of sensitivity, resolution and discrimination to establish the capabilities and applications of receivers used in ES,
  • Outline the various electronic attack and associated defence measures applicable to modern radar systems,
  • Identify the role and quantify the performance of a modern radar system, given suitable data regarding its transmissions,
  • Select and assess appropriate electronic defence measures against specified threats, given an operational specification.

Radar Principles


    To provide you with an understanding of the fundamental principles of radar, allowing you to relate this to the design and analysis of radar systems.

    • Introduction: comparison with other sensors, frequency bands, relationship between size, wavelength and range, target data, historical notes,
    • Radar detection theory: radar range equation, Pd, Pfa and SNR relationships, FAR, No. hits, Integration (quadrature detection),
    • Pulsed Radar Parameters: PRF, pulse width, duty ratio, peak and average powers, min range, eclipsing, max unambiguous range, low PRF, spectrum of pulsed radar, signal bandwidth, matched reception, range resolution. Search radar application,
    • Losses: effect of clear air, precipitation, multipath; Losses associated with radar system, including the antenna (beam-shape loss),
    • CW and FM ranging: The Doppler effect, Doppler sensing, clutter rejection, Doppler filtering/velocity gating. Two phase linear saw-tooth modulation, ranging, effect of Doppler, velocity and range measurement. Missile seeker,
    • Radar cross-section: principal factors; surface reflection effects; forms of scattering; echo mechanisms; variation of RCS with angle; typical values; Swerling models,
    • Pulse compression: frequency coding (FMOP); Phase coding (PMOP); matched filtering; range and velocity resolution; Compressed pulse width; Range-velocity coupling,
    • Clutter: surface and volume backscatter coefficient; spatial and temporal variation; estimation of clutter return and signal-to-clutter ratio for volume and surface clutter; statistical description for clutter; clutter spectrum and de-correlation time,
    • CFAR: Constant false alarm rate systems; Clutter statistics and CFAR
    • performance · Pulse-doppler radar: principle of operation; clutter spectrum; characteristics of HPRF and MPRF systems; FMICW in range measurement; multiple PRFs in range measurement. Airborne early-warning radar: requirements; design drivers and solution; typical parameters. Battlefield surveillance radar: requirements; system design; unambiguous range and velocity measurement · MTI radar: System diagram; clutter rejection by single and double delay line cancellers; blind speed · GMTI: MTI from an airborne platform, target measurement accuracy in range and in angle; clutter Doppler spread Tracking Radar. Monopulse and conical scan angle- trackers; range and velocity gates for range and Doppler tracking; angle-tracking errors; track-while-scan systems; continuity tracking synthetic-aperture radar: Cross range resolution, unfocussed SAR, focussed SAR, array length, array processing, resolution, Doppler Beam
Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you will be able to:

  • Analyse radar detection performance in noise and clutter, relating these principles to conventional radar system design,
  • Assess the performance and identify particular operational advantages of modern multi-function radar and SAR systems Skills and Other Attributes,
  • Critically assess the detection performance of a radar system, given its design parameters,
  • Produce a viable radar system design, given a suitable specification of the required radar performance,
  • Generate and analyse radar waveforms and target echoes with MATLAB.

Systems Research Methods


    This module provides a multi-perspective, multi-methodological approach to research as the basis for the range of research questions that may be addressed in the student's thesis and also in investigations in future professional work.

    This module supports both these needs through challenging the student to think about research tasks and methods suitable for achieving the goal of obtaining actionable knowledge about a variety of research topics.


    Unit 1: Knowledge, novelty and verification and validation

    • The classical epistemological view of knowledge: S knows that p if and only if p is true, S believes that p and S is justified in believing p.
    • Novelty in research and contrast to what is not novel.
    • Potential sources of research topics, areas of interest
    • Purposes for which research may be performed
    • Impact of project purpose on what knowledge is needed
    • Requisites of a research project: a method to discover what is present and a method to provide assurance

    Unit 2: Areas of interest and research questions

    • Impact of intention to publish on project design
    • Broad approaches to research: discovery about an observable, improving practice in a field, improving individual or group practice, logic or mathematical proof, experiments, interpretation of extant data, analysis of text/discourse, etc.
    • Transformation of an area of interest into an articulated research question
    • Reading research papers to determine research questions and methods

    Unit 3: Framing research projects

    • Knowledge and information
    • Logical reasoning processes
    • Deduction
    • Induction
    • Abduction
    • Errors in research
    • Verification in research
    • Validation in research
    • Knowledge and information.

    Unit 4: Quantitative methods

    • Measurement and scales
    • Common kinds of quantitative research
    • Null hypothesis
    • Sampling

    Unit 5: Modelling and simulation method

    • Kinds of models
    • Challenges of physical testing/experimentation
    • Benefits of modelling and simulation in research
    • Relationship of modelling and real things
    • What is achieved through modelling
    • Calibrating models with real cases
    • X-in- the-loop modelling

    Unit 6: Formative feedback re proposed research methodology

    • Surveys
    • Interviews
    • Textual analysis

    Unit 7: Writing about research: Proposals, reports, theses, and papers

    • Description of research writing genres: proposals, reports, thesis, paper
    • For each genre: general description, generic outline, span of content, emphasis on sections
    • The nature and purpose of literature review in each genre
    • Pragmatic suggestions for writing: outlining, mind-mapping, reference management, document management
    • Creating publishable quality research including discipline specific journals and how to write academically credible and professional reports

Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module a student should be able to:

  • Transform a description of an area of interest into a precisely worded research question, the answering of which will provide knowledge which is useful for the purpose for which the research project is to be conducted,
  • Plan and execute a search of the literature to find existing research relevant to a research question at hand and to prioritise a reading list if too much material is found,
  • Evaluate existing research literature to propose an apposite method to address a research question,
  • Justify a proposed method to address a research project as a suitable method to generate knowledge of the kind that will achieve a result that will satisfy the motivating purpose of a research project.

Signal Processing, Statistics and Analysis


    To provide you with an understanding of the subjects supporting the specialist modules and to provide you with the essential signal analysis and statistical tools used in the course.

    • Statistics and Noise: Probability, random variables, probability distributions, covariance, correlation. Noise sources, noise bandwidth, noise figure, noise temperature. Cascaded networks. Mathematical representation of noise,
    • Analogue and Digital Signal Processing 1: Analogue methods used to describe, analyse and process signals and the behaviour of systems: Fourier and Laplace transforms, correlation and convolution, impulse response and transfer function,
    • Analogue and Digital Signal Processing 2: Matched filters, the z-transform. Advantages/ disadvantages of DSP, sampling and quantisation, digital filters, DFT and FFT, DSP applications in communications and radar,
    • Decision Theory: Hypothesis testing, probabilities of false alarm and detection, Bayesian systems, error probability and bit error rate, receiver operating characteristics. Bit-error rate lab demo.
Intended learning outcomes
On successful completion of this module you will be able to:
  • Describe the signal processing methods commonly encountered in sensor, communications and EW systems,
  • Evaluate the effect of randomly varying signals on the decision processing in sensor and communication systems,
  • Identify and analyse signal and noise waveforms commonly encountered in communications, sensor and electronic warfare systems in the time and frequency domains,
  • Analyse the detection performance of such systems.

Uninhabited Aircraft Systems / Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems

Module Leader
  • Professor John Economou

    This module focuses on the up-to-date UAV systems level technologies and Artificial Intelligence based methods for mission planning and energy-based range extenders, autopilots. Furthermore, the course covers the connectivities of airworthiness and Cyber Threat in the modern airspace. The aim is to provide you with the understanding of the fundamental concepts and challenges of UAS/RPAS with a Military Airworthiness perspective including a group interactive activity involving VR UAS flight experience.


    Overview of UAS and Military Airworthiness

    UAV/RPAS passive hard subsystems.

    • UAV/RPAS materials,
    • UAV/RPAS structures,
    • UAV/RPAS battery and Artificial Intelligence (AI a hard/soft approach),
    • Rotary wing vehicles and micro-UAVs.

    UAV/RPAS Active Hard Subsystems

    • UAV/RPAS communications,
    • UAV/RPAS sensing using electro-optics & Infrared,
    • UAV/RPAS radar signatures,
    • UAS/RPAS design and analysis methods.

    UAS/RPAS Soft methods

    • Introduction to design and analysis of trials and experiments for UAVs/RPAS,
    • Artificial intelligence for UAVs/RPAS,
    • Automatic decision making for UAVs/RPAS,
    • UAV/RPAS sense and avoid.

    UAS/RPAS Design and Analysis Methods

    • Principles of UAV/RPAS aero, prop & flight performance,
    • Aspects of stealth,
    • Stability and control.

    UAS/RPAS AI Design Design Based Guidance

    • UAV/RPAS sustainable airworthiness – cyber threat,
    • UAV/RPAS localisation based on imaging,
    • UAV/RPAS energy-based planning guidance artificial intelligence based,
    • UAV/RPAS Autopilots for guidance,
    • UAV/RPAS guidance.

    UAS/RPAS applications and Airworthiness - Test cases

    • Applications - artificial sniffing UAV/RPAS for illicit substances,
    • UAV/RPAS defence electronics,
    • UAV/RPAS airworthiness,
    • VR group interactive UAS/RPAS flight experience.
Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of the overview of UAS/RPAS and Military Airworthiness,
  • Describe the principles of UAV/RPAS passive and active hard subsystems and UAS/RPAS soft methods,
  • Estimate flight range of UAS/RPAS based on design and analysis methods,
  • Evaluate aspects of UAS/RPAS AI design-based guidance within the context of airworthiness and applications and defence electronics.


Module Leader
  • Professor John Economou
    To execute self-driven research applying the principles, processes, and practices developed in the course to an Aerosystems real-world problem of interest and relevance to the student.


    The thesis is a vital element of the Aerosystems MSc which offers to the student the opportunity to apply the learned taught phase knowledge and develop new knowledge and skills to an agreed topic.

    The students will be allocated an academic supervisor who will guide them with the topic and the general requirements of the project.

Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you will be able to:

  • Research and propose a relevant project topic in Aerosystems and identify the context with suitable in-depth critical evaluation,
  • Plan a research project with a well-defined and realisable timeframe, with suitable risk assessment and contingency planning with a suitable demonstration of engagement with academic and professional experts,
  • Provide an analysis of their critical assessment of factual, conceptual, and theoretical knowledge and relate, when applicable, to existing aerosystem technologies and place the outputs within the wider context of Aerosystems.

Your career

Graduates, after leaving military service for which they were sponsored may find related openings in MOD civil service or in the defence industry.

How to apply

UK MOD application process

If you are entering through the UK military selection process, please contact Admissions at cdsadmissionsoffice@cranfield.ac.uk for further information.

Self-funded application process

The Aerosystems course is now open for study to self-funded students.

Our students do not always fit traditional academic or career paths and we consider this to be a positive aspect of diversity. We are looking for a body of professional learners who have a wide range of experiences to share.

To apply you will need to register to use our online system, please contact Admissions at cdsadmissionsoffice@cranfield.ac.uk to get access. Once you have set up an account you will be able to create, save and amend your application form before submitting it.

Application deadlines

Attendance on the course is subject to ÃÀ¼§¸ó discretion and security clearance for the UK Defence Academy in Shrivenham site. To allow sufficient time for clearance to be granted applications must be submitted by the below deadline.

Entry for August 2024

  • Self-funded applicants must submit their application by Friday, 5 July 2024.

Once your online application has been submitted together with your supporting documentation, it will be processed by Admissions. You will then be advised by email if you are successful, unsuccessful, or whether the course director would like to interview you before a decision is made. Applicants based outside of the UK may be interviewed either by telephone or video conference.

Read our Application Guide for a step-by-step explanation of the application process from pre-application through to joining us at ÃÀ¼§¸ó.