ÃÀ¼§¸ó is required by the US Department for Education to disclose the following consumer information. If you require further information or have questions about applying, please contact studentfunding@cranfield.ac.uk.

Institutional and financial assistance information

Further information on centrally-managed scholarships for students studying at ÃÀ¼§¸ó can be found on our Fees and sources of funding webpage.

USA Federal Aid Information

ÃÀ¼§¸ó provides the following information for students considering US Federal Aid and Title IV Direct Loans:

  • How to apply and loan amounts
  • Student eligibility requirements
  • Types of loan available
  • Cost of attendance
  • Entrance counselling
  • How and when your aid will be disbursed
  • Withdrawal procedures, refund policies and return of Title IV funds
  • Satisfactory Academic Progress
  • Financial Aid Probation and Suspension
  • Exit counselling

This information is available below or direct from Student Funding.

Default Management Plan

ÃÀ¼§¸ó has a Default Management Plan for Title IV Federal Aid.


Code of conduct for educational loans

In order to prohibit a conflict of interest with the responsibilities of an agent with respect to providing education loans, staff at the University with responsibility for Federal and Private Education Loans from the United States are prohibited from the following:

  • revenue sharing arrangements with lenders
  • receiving gifts from a lender or loan servicers
  • obtaining financial benefits from lenders or loan servicers
  • providing a preferred list of lenders
  • offering of funds for private loans

Private loans

ÃÀ¼§¸ó is prohibited from providing a preferred list of lenders. We will, where possible, work with whichever private lender a prospective borrower decides to use.

Students should be aware that the majority of private lenders choose not to offer loans when borrowers are studying outside the USA. Due to this, the only loans we list as being accessible are the USA Federal Direct Loan.

It is recommended that students investigate Title IV Federal Aid funding before applying for a private student loan, as Federal Aid is often cheaper.

Academic Information

Refer to our A to Z of taught courses for detailed information on our courses.  Each course page includes an overview of the course; modules (including aim, syllabus and intended outcomes); delivery; project work; entry requirements; fees and funding; and introduces you to the teaching team.

Students wishing to study at ÃÀ¼§¸ó are advised to view our How to apply for taught degrees page prior to submitting an application for admission.

Ineligible programmes

ÃÀ¼§¸ó is unable to certify Title IV Direct Loans for the following programme:

  • MSc in Management

The following joint degree programmes with University of Exeter and University of Warwick are also excluded from US borrowers:

  • MSc and EngD in Sustainable Materials and Manufacturing

Non-degree programmes (Certificates and Diploma) are excluded from the scope of Title IV Direct Loans.

Whilst US students are eligible to apply for the above programmes, they will be unable to fund their studies with Federal Aid Loans.

Courses delivered via online method, including telecommunication delivery, are not eligible for Title IV funding.


Tuition fee costs vary according to degree programmes. Information on tuition fee costs for individual programmes can be found on the the relevant course page or via Fees and sources of funding.

Information on living costs can be found at Managing money. These costs will be used to calculate your cost of attendance and are reviewed on an annual basis.


ÃÀ¼§¸ó abroad, placements and internships

Whilst ÃÀ¼§¸ó offers optional study abroad opportunities to all students, USA students will be ineligible to receive USA Federal Aid for the duration of the study abroad element..

Students undertaking a programme that includes a placement or internship as part of their delivery will not be eligible for Title IV funding. US students are eligible to apply for such programmes but will need to find alternative funding.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy

ÃÀ¼§¸ó is required by US Federal Law (34CFR 668.16) to define and enforce standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for students who wish to access US Federal Aid, namely William D. Ford Federal Direct Loans. The full guidelines can be found within the SAP policy.

Return to Title IV Funds policy

The Return to Title IV (R2T4) policy specifies how ÃÀ¼§¸ó will determine the amount of US Higher Education Act Title IV programme assistance (Direct and PLUS Loans) that students earn if they withdraw from the University.

Completion, graduation and transfer rates

Information on the University’s completion and transfer out rates is available from the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA). The University’s non-completion rates can also be found on the HESA website.

ÃÀ¼§¸ó is unable to supply a breakdown of completion or transfer out rates by gender, ethnicity or recipients of need-based subsidised loans. Due to the very low non-continuation rate, doing so may reveal personally identifiable information about individual students, which would breach the Data Protection legislation.

Student support information

Equality, diversity, and inclusion

ÃÀ¼§¸ó is committed to valuing and celebrating diversity, and to advancing equality and inclusive practice in all its activities. Further information can be found on our equality, diversity and inclusion page.

Information on how to report an incident of harassment, bullying and hate incidents against students can be found in the Student Welfare Handbook.

Student support and welfare

ÃÀ¼§¸ó provides a range of support services for students, including health and wellbeing advice, support for international students, and disability support. Further information can be accessed via Support services.

Mature students

Mature students are students who are 21 years and over at the beginning of their programme of study. Mature students are eligible to receive Title IV Aid providing they have met the standard entry criteria for our programmes, including relevant high-school diplomas.

Academic misconduct

Students found to be in breach of academic misconduct regulations, including but not limited to cheating and plagiarism, will be subject to disciplinary action in line with the current ÃÀ¼§¸ó Academic Misconduct Policy.


You must consult with an Immigration Adviser before making the decision to withdraw.

Contact Student Funding as soon as possible if you are planning to completely withdraw from your programme, preferably before the decision is finalised. A return of funds calculation may be necessary.

Refund policy

ÃÀ¼§¸ó has an institutional Refund and Compensation Policy (see paragraph 3, Student Protection Plan) for all students who have officially enrolled at the University. The University policy should therefore not be confused with R2T4 calculations and refunds.

The amount of Title IV funds due for return as a result of a withdrawal is calculated independently of the tuition fee liability charged by the University. Therefore, the student may still owe funds to the University to cover unpaid institutional charges or may indeed be entitled to a refund in accordance with regulations found here (but only after any Title IV funds owed have been returned to the U.S. Department of Education, if applicable). The University may also attempt to collect from the students any Title IV funding that the ÃÀ¼§¸ó is required to return to the U.S. Department of Education.

How to Apply for Direct Loans

There are some key differences to the process of applying for Direct Loans to fund your study at ÃÀ¼§¸ó compared to applying for funding at a USA institution.

You will have to provide a number of documents which you may not have needed for loan applications in the USA. Please send these documents to us even if you have received notification that they will be forwarded to us automatically.

Read the following information in full before starting your application.

When you arrive

When you first arrive at ÃÀ¼§¸ó you will need to provide us with some additional information so we can process your loan payments.

Your loan can't be paid until we have confirmed that you have arrived at the University. Once you have registered, we will request your first loan instalment (disbursement) from the US Department of Education. This will not arrive until approximately three weeks after the start of the academic year.

Providing your bank details

So that we can make personal disbursement payments we need your bank details. Please request a Notification/Change of Bank Details form or contact Student Finance as soon as possible after the start of term.

Most students choose to open a UK bank account. If you provide us with details for an overseas bank account it will take longer for you to receive your personal disbursements. You will also face additional currency conversion costs.

A UK bank account will save you money in currency conversion costs.

You must ensure you have enough money to cover your start-up costs and living expenses while you are waiting for your first disbursement.

Receiving your loans

We receive your funds from the US Department of Education. We will deduct your fees and pass any remaining balance on to you. The University will receive your US Loan in dollars (USD). These funds will be converted into pound sterling (GBP) using the exchange rate that the University obtains from its bank and paid to you in GBP.

We will receive your Direct Loan in two instalments, one at the beginning of each term of the first and second terms. We will deduct any tuition and accommodation fees due for the term within three working days of receiving your funds. Any remaining balance will be paid to you within 14 days. We must use loan funds to pay accommodation and tuition fees before passing any remaining balance to you.

If you are not in University accommodation it is your responsibility to pay for private sector accommodation from the remaining loan.

Disbursement dates

These are the dates we receive your loan instalments. We will pass on any remaining balance approximately one week later:

October 2024
January 2025

Paying fees

Your tuition and accommodation fees are paid in line with the disbursement dates for your loan.

Our standard invoice requests 100% of your annual fees in October. The payment dates and proportions on our standard invoice do not apply to you if you are receiving a Direct Loan(s).

Outstanding fees

If you loan amount doesn’t cover your fees we will send you a reminder by January confirming any anticipated shortfall.

Exit counselling

You must undergo Direct Loan exit counselling at the end of each academic year. This can be completed online at the US Department of Education website. We will email you a reminder when your exit counselling is due. You need to tell us once you have completed it.

Changing your loans

If you wish to change the value of your loan(s) please contact Student Funding with full details of the changes you wish to make. Please let us know at least two weeks before the next disbursement date to ensure we have time to process your request.

Increasing your loans

Increases are subject to your cost of attendance limit. We must pay any increases to your loan in a minimum of two disbursements.

If you wish to increase your loans above the fixed cost attendance you will need to provide evidence of any additional expenses. Not all additional expenses can be approved.

If you have a full PLUS Loan with an endorser you will only be able to increase your loan up to the endorsed amount. If your endorser is willing to increase the endorsed amount they will have to complete a new application.

Decreasing your loans

Your Parent PLUS Loan will usually be reduced first as this is the most expensive. Further reductions will be taken from your Unsubscribed Loan. Should you have Subsidised Loan(s) these will be reduced last.

Changes to the value of your loans will be spread across your remaining disbursements for the year.

Cancelling your loan(s)

If you cancel your loan after receiving funds you will need to complete exit counselling. Notify Student Funding once your exit counselling is complete. If you cancel your loan you are still responsible for paying any outstanding University fees.

Early submittal

If you intend to submit your thesis before the end of the academic year, it may mean you cannot receive any outstanding disbursements for the year. Please contact Student Funding before doing so. Once you have submitted your thesis, your student status will change and your eligibility for loans will end. If you loan ends before all of your university fees are paid then you will be personally responsible for the balance.

Stopping or pausing your study

Taking a leave of absence or withdrawing from your course or changing to less than half-time study.

If you withdraw from studies, suspend your studies for more than 180 days, or drop below half-time study you will become ineligible for further Direct Loans. You should contact Student Funding as soon as you can – do not wait until the change in your enrolment status is confirmed.

We, and you, may be required to return some of your loan funds. Full information is available in our Return to Title IV Policy.

Leave of absence

You need to consult with an immigration adviser and inform Student Funding before taking a leave of absence.

Leaves of absence less than 180 days (PGR students only)

You will not be able to receive any Direct Loan funds while on a leave of absence which has been approved by the US Department for Education.

All other leaves of absence

Any PGT student absences, or PGR student absences over 180 days.

Unless you are a PhD student on a leave of absence of less than 180 days, you will be considered to have withdrawn for Direct Loan and repayment purposes. A return of funds calculation may be necessary.

ÃÀ¼§¸óing outside the UK

You need to contact Student Funding before planning any study-related travel outside the UK.

You must undertake all academic activity in relation to your studies in the UK. If you do not do so, you may lose eligibility for Direct Loans for your studies.


ÃÀ¼§¸ó abroad outside of the USA

If your course includes a period of study at an academic institution outside the UK, you may still be eligible for federal loans. Your time abroad must:

  • Not be more than 25% of the total length of your course;
  • Be at an academic institution that has a written arrangement in place with ÃÀ¼§¸ó. The institution does not have to be approved to participate in the Federal Aid (Title IV) Programme.

If your study abroad does not fulfil the above criteria you cannot receive loans for your time away.

ÃÀ¼§¸ó abroad within the USA

If your course includes study at an academic institution in the United States of America, your time abroad must:

  • be no more than 25% of the total length of your course;
  • be at an approved academic institution participating in the Federal Aid (Title IV) Programme.
  • be at an institution that has a written arrangement in place with ÃÀ¼§¸ó. You must ensure this is in place.

If your study in the USA does not fulfil the above criteria you will lose eligibility for Federal Aid for the whole time of your course.

Research in the USA during writing up period of PhD

You can do independent research in the United States for no longer than one academic year if it is conducted during the dissertation phase of a doctoral program under the guidance of faculty and the research can only be performed in the USA. This is the only exception to the rules regarding study abroad in the USA outlined above.

Internships and placements

Internships and placements that are part of your course (ie. one you are required to or have the option to participate in) and are provided by an organisation other than ÃÀ¼§¸ó must:

  • have a written agreement in place with ÃÀ¼§¸ó
  • be monitored by an accrediting or government agency or its supervision is transferred to ÃÀ¼§¸ó and monitored by qualified ÃÀ¼§¸ó personnel.
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    You cannot receive loans for non-academic placements outside the UK, even if you have academic approval to spend time abroad.

    Safeguarding Customer Information

    We take your data privacy very seriously and use your information to provide the products and services you have requested from us. We may, under legitimate interest (see our Privacy Policy), provide other opportunities which may be of interest. We will not sell, license, or trade your information without your consent. For more information about how your data will be processed, please see our Privacy Policy. Where required, we may share your information across the University and with our commercial subsidiaries. You can opt out of marketing communications from us at any time.

    You have a right to review your educational records, to request amendment of records, to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information and to file a complaint with the US Department for Education. Please review the ‘Your rights’ section under our Privacy Policy.

    Additional support can be found on the .