Forthcoming Events


Wednesday 17th July 2024

Theme:  Cross-Functional Collaboration

Conference Date

Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd November 2024

Previous Webinars

Wednesday 22nd May 2024

Theme:  Building and Nurturing Relationships (Stakeholder Management)

Wednesday 12th June 2024

Theme:  Value Proposition Development

Wednesday 6th March 2024

Theme:  Understanding the Business Landscape

Friday 9th February 2024

Theme:  Accounting for Change: the AI Journey

7th December 2023

Speaker: Professor Hervé Legenvre - EIPM
Theme:   What does Procurement Look for from Suppliers in 2023?  How Should you Ensure you Deliver these Things?

16th November 2023

Speaker:  Dr Mariano Hernandez - Salesforce
Theme:  How do Value Capture Specialists Capture Value for the Customer and Strategic Supplier?

19th October 2023

Speaker:  Dr Simon Templar - ÃÀ¼§¸ó
Theme:  Using Financial Information to Enhance your Business Relationship with Your Key Account

14th September 2023

Speaker:  Todd Snelgrove - SAP
Theme: How do the Worlds most Successful Organisations Compete on Value not Price?

13th July 2023

Speaker: David Haigh - Brand Finance
Theme:  How do Value Propositions Power the World's Strongest Brands?

15th June 2023

Speaker:  Professor Kevin  Morrell - ÃÀ¼§¸ó
Theme: Is Strategy a Fairy Story?

29th June 2023

Speaker: Professor Javier Marcos - ÃÀ¼§¸ó
Theme:  KAM Masterclass No3. - What Practical Techniques can you Adopt to Create High Impact Customer Value Propositions?

18th May 2023

Speaker:  John MacDonald-Gaunt - IBM
Theme:  What Techniques can you Adopt to: 1. Engage Customers  2. Build Stronger Relationships  3. Align your own Organisations Teams

13th April 2023

Speaker:  Dr Sue Holt - ÃÀ¼§¸ó
Theme:  KAM Masterclass No.2 - How can you Capture a Compelling Complex Customer Strategy on a Single Diagram?

16th March 2023

Speaker:  Andrea Clatworthy - Fujitsu
Theme:  How is Account Based Marketing (ABM) being Adopted to Understand Customers and Drive Commercial Success?

16th February 2023

Speaker:  Mark Davies - ÃÀ¼§¸ó
Theme:  KAM Masterclass No1. - Practical Techniques to gain a Deeper Understanding of the things your Customer Needs and Values

19th January 2023

Speaker:  Gabi Steimer - Jacobs (KAM Forum member)
Theme:  Procurement Decision Making in the Public Sector