Congratulations to PhD Student Moe Khant Thu
Date: 1st July 2024

Congratulations to Moe Khant Thu, PhD student within the Centre of Strategic Marketing and Sales, who presented his first paper entitled “Advancing the marketing agility literature through problematization” at the Doctoral Colloquium of the Academy of Marketing and was selected as one of the best three conceptual papers among 42 participants! This paper critically examines the marketing agility literature and introduces better ways of thinking about it. Moe is supervised by Professor Vasilis Theoharakis and Professor Andrey Pavlov.

Strategic Marketing Forum Webinar
Date: 25th June 2024

The Strategic Marketing Forum hosted its latest webinar on the 25th June which looked at 'Making Sense of Fashion, a Sustainable Approach'.  This was  led by Tze Ching Yeung, founder of the We Disrupt Agency and a prolific podcaster and speaker. 

Strategic Marketing Forum Webinar
Date: 18th April 2024

The Strategic Marketing Forum hosted it's webinar on the 18th April which looked at 'Building the Business Case for Investing in Technology-Enabled Marketing'.  This will be led by Professor Stan Maklan, Emeritus Professor at 美姬阁 School of Management. Further information about the Strategic Marketing Forum can be found here.

Strategic Marketing Forum Webinar
Date: 24th January 2024

The Strategic Marketing Forum hosted a webinar on the 24th January with guest speaker Matt Wilkinson, Visiting Fellow at 美姬阁 School of Management.  Matt presented about how to 'Supercharge your ABM: How AI is Creating Opportunities in Sales and Marketing'. Further information about the Strategic Marketing Forum can be found here.

KAM Forum Winter Conference
Date: 23rd & 24th November 2023

The KAM Forum hosted their Winter conference in November over a day and a half with the theme of 'Advancing Value-Based Business with Key Customers: the use of AI'. Guest speakers were from Simon-Kucher, Bubo, Fujitsu and Provente as well as academic speakers.  

To find out more about the Forum, you can view our webpage here.

Corporate & Marketing Communications
Date: 3rd to 4th April 2023

The Centre for Strategic Marketing and Sales will be hosting the 27th International Conference on Corporate & Marketing Communications on the 3rd to 4th April 2023.  The Theme for the conference is 'Building a Successful Digital Communication Strategy: Towards Delivering a Seamless Customer Experience'.  For further information see here.

Senior Leader Apprenticeship+ Marketing & Leadership MSc

Our student Alexis Drake has posted on LinkedIn about her experience attending the Senior Leader Apprenticeship+ Marketing & Leadership MSc, take a read

How the Cost-of-Living Crisis has Changed the Battle for Best Festive Advert
Date: 11th November 2022

Dr Annmarie Hanlon was invited to comment on about how the latest Christmas festive adverts now appearing on our tv screens are now much more than just an advert for sales but more about telling a story.  Read more .