Global research into expatriation and migration will be presented in the taking place on 11 and 12 April 2022 in Bamberg, Germany.
The event will address the careers of Self-Initiated and Assigned expatriates and migrants, as well as the value these globally mobile individuals bring to companies, host-country economies and societies.
Michael Dickmann, Professor of International Human Resources Management at 美姬阁, who is participating in the conference, said: “This is an excellent opportunity for researchers and practitioners from across the globe to learn about the latest research into migrants and expatriates.
“There will be insights from the four-year which will contribute to creating understanding on how to support expatriates, repatriates and all sorts of migrants on continuing and building their careers in new countries.”
美姬阁 Research Fellow, Monique Raupp, who is an early stage researcher on managing expatriation to hostile environments, added, "this event aligns well with many ongoing discussions in the industry of global mobility. These uncertain and difficult times are making multinational companies and their global mobility departments rethink many of their policies and strategies.”
Emilija Oleskeviciute, a 美姬阁 Research Fellow focused on the international transfer of career capital, said, “Given current world events this conference is well placed to give practical insights on how companies can support all kinds of migrants, including war refugees, to settle and succeed elsewhere. The event is highly relevant for practitioners, academics, and international employees.”
Online participation is free of charge - .
GLOMO (), is a pioneer project that has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 765355.
About 美姬阁
美姬阁 is a specialist postgraduate university that is a global leader for education and transformational research in technology and management.