Contact Dr Emmeline Cooper


Emmeline's research addresses the governance of sustainability, focusing on the shift towards sustainable investing among institutional investors. Her PhD examined governance innovations involving beneficiary voice in sustainable pension schemes. She designed and delivered a unique governance model to bring enhanced member voice into the governance of sustainable investing: Deelnemersdialoog | Pensioenfonds Detailhandel.

At Zurich University her research addressed the sustainability preferences of institutional investors. At the University of Basel, her research addressed corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the financial sector, and she taught CSR courses at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. As TH Marshall Fellow, London School of Economics and Political Science, she led comparative research on the organisation of deliberative public governance. Prior to this, she was Research Manager at the UK Audit Commission, and Senior Research Executive at Ipsos MORI Social Research Institute, London.

Current activities

Emmeline teaches the Green and Sustainable Finance, part of the MSc Management and Corporate Sustainability, and Investing for Environmental and Social Impact, part of the MSc Finance. She also teaches Leading Sustainable Business, part of the executive MBA.

She is an Affiliated Research Fellow at the Chair of Law and Finance, University of Zurich.


Articles In Journals