The symbiotic relationship between biodiversity and business prosperity is only just starting to be explored. When will business see nature as an ally in the race to slow and reverse the effects of climate change?

Our panel will remind us of the inextricable link between biodiversity and the wellbeing of all human life. They will set out the ways in which business is a massive contributor to biodiversity loss yet depends fundamentally on the services of nature.

Businesses are experiencing mounting pressure to understand, measure and drive action on their biodiversity risk and opportunities.

However new research - conducted by Anna Barrett in partnership with grounds maintenance company Ground Control - shows that managers’ understanding of how they can contribute to improved biodiversity is unclear and contradictory, potentially hindering meaningful action.

We will hear how leading sustainable business are thinking about biodiversity and are taking steps to integrate nature into the way they do business. Following the panel discussion, all attendees are invited to take part in a short taster session of workshop before drinks and networking.


Dr Rosina Watson

Head of Sustainable Business Group and Associate Professor of Sustainability,

Rosina’s research centres on sustainable innovation, both in large corporate organizations and by entrepreneurs, with a focus on how partnerships and collaboration can enhance sustainable innovation. She directs a specialist Sustainability MSc (available as a master’s level apprenticeship) as well as leading teaching on sustainability on general management courses, including the MBA and Executive MBA.

Professor Jim Harris

Chair in Environmental Technology,

Jim’s research is focused on microbial ecology and how the diversity of the microbiota and their spatio-temporal distribution affect ecosystem processes. He has applied this particularly in studying soil forming processes in disturbed landscapes and their role in organic matter dynamics; in the assessment and treatment of wastes such as landfill leachate and other wastewaters; restoration ecology and in the quantitative assessment of ecosystem goods and services. This work has been funded by BBSRC, NERC and EPSRC, local and central government, and industry and has informed government policy, industrial practices and academic disciplines ranging from terrestrial ecology to engineered ecosystems in treatment processes.

Anna BarrettAnna Barrett

Management and Corporate Sustainability MSc Alumna

Anna recently completed her Master's degree in Management and Corporate Sustainability, building upon her strong foundation in Plant Science. Her dissertation delved into the relationship between corporations, their workforce, and the critical understanding of biodiversity.

Dan Sherrard SmithDr Neil Strong

Biodiversity Strategy Manager, Network Rail

Dr Neil Strong studied forestry and ecology as an undergraduate (Edinburgh, Scotland) and a post-graduate (Portsmouth, England).  He is biodiversity strategy manager at Network Rail providing expertise and support on sustainable management of the lineside necessary to improve the safety and biodiversity of the rail network.  He has previously worked on management of lineside assets including vegetation and boundary measures.  His current focus is delivering guidance and tools to integrate the management of biodiversity on the rail network into existing practice.  This work has to take account of environmental and social obligations on an estate where trains pass at up to 200kph.

Who should attend?

This is an open event to staff and students and business and sustainability enthusiasts alike.

How to register 

Attend in person

Attend online 

Sustainability Network Speaker Series

The Sustainability Network Speaker Series is the platform for our network of students, faculty, staff, and alumni, our partners in industry and sustainability enthusiasts to hear from thought leaders across all sectors. The series is a chance to delve into a sustainability-related hot topic and explore the challenges and opportunities in embedding sustainability in various areas of industry. We typically host panels and lectures with a mix of thought leaders, sustainability and industry professionals, government, NGOs and academe to seed this discussion. Every session has an opportunity for you to ask questions and get involved in the discussion, as well as a chance to connect with other like-minded people.