Contact Nagarakshith Mungara


Rakshith has been keen and curious about defence technologies from his early student life. He wanted to deepen his knowledge of modern defence technologies, particularly in the RADAR domain.

He is a graduate from "Defence Institute of Advanced Technology", India. He obtained a master's degree in Electronics and Communication with a specialisation in "Defence Electronics Systems".

His program covered a wide range of topics, which included Radar design, antennas, microwaves and Detection and Estimation Theory.

He successfully completed his project in the field of microwaves, with the title "Novel Design of Ultra-wide Band Power Divider/Combiner".

Current activities

Rakshith is a PhD student working on maritime radar. He is studying PhD in "Statistical Analysis of Experimental Sea Clutter Data and Development of Clutter Rejection and Target Extraction Algorithms".


Articles In Journals

Conference Papers