Contact Dr Simon Place

Areas of expertise

  • Air Transport Safety & Investigation
  • Airworthiness
  • Aviation Management & Operations


After graduating from Loughborough University in Engineering Science & Technology, Simon served as an RAF Engineer Officer in the Communications/ Electronics field. He studied for a Master's degree in Flight Dynamics at ÃÀ¼§¸ó in 1994-95, and carried out his thesis at Delft University (Netherlands) under the ERASMUS exchange scheme. There followed a period as a software engineer at Goodrich Aerospace, after which he returned to ÃÀ¼§¸ó. The 3-year research project to develop methods for the safety assessment & reliability prediction of helicopter transmission systems formed the basis of Simon's PhD thesis. He then worked for an engineering consultancy, where he spent 4 years in safety & reliability assessment on the West Coast Route Modernisation project for Network Rail and Virgin Trains.

In 2004 he returned as a Lecturer in Air Transport Engineering, keen to teach and do research in the fields of aircraft systems, safety and risk assessment and maintenance management. He is a Chartered Engineer and Member of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers.

Current activities

Senior Lecturer in the National Flying Laboratory Centre. Lead demonstrator for airborne laboratory training and education. Previous teaching in MSc Airworthiness; Safety & Human Factors in Aviation; Safety & Accident Investigation.

Contribution to modules in Airworthiness Fundamentals, Safety Assessment of Aircraft Systems and Practical Reliability.

Research interests cover safety & risk assessment, and reliability analysis in the transport sector, including maintenance human factors.



Hong Kong Civil Aviation Department

Hong Kong Institution of Engineers


Raytheon Systems Ltd

Royal Netherlands Air Force

Singapore International Airlines Engineering Company

STM Aerospace (Turkey)

UK Ministry of Defence


Articles In Journals

Conference Papers
