Contact Dr Geoffrey Neale

Areas of expertise

  • Aerospace Manufacturing
  • Composites
  • Computing, Simulation & Modelling
  • Manufacturing of Functional Materials
  • Aerospace Materials


Dr Geoffrey Neale graduated from the University of Bristol with an MEng in Aerospace Engineering then went on to pursue a PhD in Advanced Composite Materials at the Engineering Composites Research Centre at Ulster University, where he worked as part of the EU Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie ITN ICONIC. The ICONIC project focused on improving the crashworthiness of composite materials and Geoff's PhD research developed crashworthy, functionally graded 3D woven composites for use in aerospace and automotive structures. He helped to expand the understanding of the behaviour of these materials and refine material design for manufacturability. Before joining ÃÀ¼§¸ó, Geoff held a postdoctoral position at Ulster University working jointly between the School of Engineering and the School of Biomedical Sciences. During his time as a postdoctoral research fellow at ÃÀ¼§¸ó, Geoff worked on the manufacture and characterisation of functional through-thickness reinforced composite materials as part of the EU funded SEER project (A 'Smart' Self-monitoring composite tool for aerospace composite manufacturing using Silicon photonic multi-sEnsors Embedded using through-thickness Reinforcement techniques).

Current activities

Geoff is a Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng) Research Fellow and Lecturer in the Composites and Advanced Materials Centre. His RAEng funded fellowship is titled multifunctional z-direction hybridisation of composites and his wider area of focus is on multifunctional composite structures with a view to achieving multifunctionality in composites via material hybridisation. He has a particular interest in hybridisation via the application of through-thickness reinforcement methodologies. He is interested both structural and non-structural analysis of composites and in how novel fabrication methods can be used to achieve this, expanding the use of composites beyond its traditional industries.


Royal Academy of Engineering

European Commission

British Academy

National Composites Centre


Articles In Journals

Conference Papers
