Meet Evbusogie Osojie, International President of ’s Nigeria Alumni Community and recipient of the School of Management’s 2023 Alumni Service Award

“It gives me a great sense of fulfilment to have been part of the journey of building a vibrant alumni community in Nigeria,” says Evbusogie Osojie, International President of ’s Nigeria Alumni Community and recipient of the School of Management’s Alumni Service Award for 2023.

“We have taken great strides to build a cohesive alumni body that provides a platform for networking and social interaction.

“I remember there was a time when it was difficult for me to meet with other alumni beyond my graduating class and a few others I knew from my workplace. Today, that is no longer the case.

“Currently, we have a vibrant networking and social platform of more than 250 members from all over the world, comprising of accomplished professionals from various fields, many of which are captains of industry. We have regular business and social engagements, both online and in person, which help to foster bonding amongst members and to build stronger connections.”

Independent learning and development consultant Evbusogie completed her MSc in Finance and Management in 2005.

“Prior to , I had worked in one of Nigeria’s most successful banks for more than seven years and was in middle management,” she recalls. “ provided a much-needed career break and gave me the critical skills and knowledge for the next phase of my professional life.

“The programme was challenging at times and yet rewarding. It motivated me to work at my utmost best. The professors were excellent and delivered the courses in a way that was stimulating, and my knowledge base was widely enriched as I got to learn so many workplace and life skills.”

The MSc programme necessitated a large amount of learning in a relatively short period of time, but Evbusogie remembers the time fondly, including the various group and team building activities that encouraged her cohort to bond as course mates. “Our professors made learning fun,” she said, recalling lectures by Professor Richard Taffler and Emeritus Professor Sudi Sudarsanam, as well as the “colourful” anecdotes told by Emeritus Professor David Myddelton during classes.

Asked what advice she would give to a student looking to follow in her footsteps, she said: “An exciting learning experience awaits you. Work hard and seize the day – you’ll be glad you did.

“If you are a Nigerian, or if you end up in Nigeria when your programme is over, I would like to welcome you to our vibrant Nigeria Community.”

“The experiences and relationships that I developed at were invaluable,” she added. “It was, and still is, a beautiful place. The atmosphere was serene and very conducive for learning. I liked the spirit of excellence and purpose. The professors were very dedicated and intelligent.

“ also gave me the opportunity to meet and interact with students from Nigeria and other countries, some of whom are still my friends today. I got to know about other cultures and different international day celebrations. I really enjoyed being a member of an active and vibrant international community.”

After graduating from her course, Evbusogie returned to work in Nigeria, eventually founding her own consulting and training firm, , in 2013.

“The knowledge and resources garnered at were transformative and remain useful to date,” she said.

Always an active member of ’s international alumni network, she became President of the Nigeria Alumni Community in 2021.

“I am very pleased to be part of a growing family in Nigeria,” she said. “And I am always happy to connect with old and new members whenever the opportunity presents itself.”

Reflecting on being awarded a voluntary long service award by the University, she said: “I am extremely delighted to have been given this recognition and honour by . This award is a testament to the value of teamwork, excellence, hard work and commitment.

“I am happy to have made an impact worthy of note, and I thank all those who worked with me in achieving this recognition. It is a veritable embodiment of the values we all learnt at of which I am immensely proud.”